Damir Bilić is an doctoral student at Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden. Damir got his bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineerint at the International Burch University in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He received his Masters degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a focus on Embedded Systems at the International Burch University in 2017. During his Master studies, Damir worked as a student teaching assistant on several courses related to Embedded Systems. Afer graduation, he started his docotoral studies at MDH in 2017.
My research is focusing on systems engineering, model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and variability management in MBSE.
I have been focusing on empirical and exploratory case studies on variability management in MBSE with an industrial context. Additionally, I have been working on the analysis of variability models and system models with the aim to detect variability-related inconsistencies.
Initially, my studies started with an exploratory case study to assess the use of over-specified SysML for variability management of diesel engine systems at Volvo CE. The study identified challennges on the complexity of over-specified SysML models. Publication Link
The second case study at Volvo CE focused on the anlysis of the development process at the engine controls department. The study describes variability-related challenges in the current development process. Furthemore, it highlights the potential of model-based product line engineering to address some of these challenges in various phases of the development process, from requirement engineering to testing. Publication Link
The thrid study focused on the development of an open-source tool for annotative variant modeling in SysML models. Publication Link
The most recent study, not yet published, describes an approach for consistency checking between variability models (expressed in cnf) and annotated SysML models created by the previously presented modeling tool. The approach is validated with a prototype implementation on a variable engine system component at Volvo CE. Publication Link
Automation Support for System Simulation and Architecture Layout Design in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (Sep 2024) Johan Cederbladh, Martin Eisenberg , Luca Berardinelli , Damir Bilic Systems Analysis and Modelling (SAM2024)
Towards Automating Model-Based Systems Engineering in Industry - An Experience Report (Apr 2024) Johan Cederbladh, Luca Berardinelli , Damir Bilic, Hugo Bruneliere , Antonio Cicchetti, MohammedHadi Dehghani , Claudio Di Sipio , James Miranda , Abbas Rahimi , Riccardo Rubei The 18th Annual International Systems Conference (SysCon24)
ALCEA: The Architecture Life-Cycle Effect Analysis Method (Jan 2024) Jakob Axelsson, Damir Bilic, Daniel Brahneborg, Joakim Fröberg , Henrik Gustavsson, Robbert Jongeling, Daniel Sundmark IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering (OJSE)
Automated Protection and Prevention to Meet Security Requirements in DevOps Environments D1.3 (Mar 2021) Gunnar Widforss, Olga Hendel, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Dragos Truscan , Andrey Sadovykh , Alessandra Bagnato , Rosa Iglesias , Cristina Seceleanu, Damir Bilic
Managing Variability in SysML Models of Automotive Systems (Nov 2020) Damir Bilic
Detecting Inconsistencies in Annotated Product Line Models (Oct 2020) Damir Bilic, Jan Carlson, Daniel Sundmark, Wasif Afzal, Peter Wallin Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Systems and Software Product Line: Volume A - Volume A (SPLC 2020)
Project Title | Status |
MegaMaRt2 - Megamodelling at Runtime (ECSEL/Vinnova) | finished |