Quality assurance and testing of embedded software and systems.
The Software Testing Laboratory (STL) focuses on contemporary and future challenges in testing of embedded software systems, primarily in research projects conducted in close collaboration with industrial partners.
With an emphasis on method and tool development, as well as industrial and practical real life case studies, our research focus includes (but is not limited to) test design, model-based testing, search-based software testing, decision-support for software testing, and test automation. In short, we develop, refine, and evaluate methods, theories and tools for testing of industrial software systems.
The objectives of STL are to improve the current body of knowledge in software testing, and to disseminate our results with the broader research community as well as with our industrial partners. To achieve this, we regularly publish in the main software testing venues, try to keep an open mind, and continuously engage in diverse academic and industrial collaboration
Towards Model-Based Adoption for Requirements Elicitation in Railway - the Role of Collaborative and Participatory Modelling (Sep 2024) Henrik Gustavsson, Johan Cederbladh Collaborative & Participatory modelling workshop (CoPaMO 2024)
Optimizing Model-based Generated Tests: Leveraging Machine Learning for Test Reduction (Jul 2024) Muhammad Nouman Zafar, Wasif Afzal, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Zulqarnain Haider, Inderjeet Singh The 20th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST 2024)
Requirements Similarity and Retrieval (Jul 2024) Muhammad Abbas, Sarmad Bashir, Mehrdad Saadatmand , Eduard Paul Enoiu, Daniel Sundmark
Real-time Optimization of Testbeds for Cloudified Radio Access Networks Using Artificial Intelligence (Jun 2024) Animesh Singh , Chen Song , Jiecong Yang , Sahar Tahvili The 2024 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications (IARIA 2024)
Can serious gaming tactics bolster spear-phishing and phishing resilience? : Securing the human hacking in Information Security (Jun 2024) Affan Yasin , Rubia Fatima , Zheng JiangBin , Wasif Afzal, Shahid Raza Information and Software Technology Volume 170 (IST-2024-1)
Exploring API behaviours through generated examples (Apr 2024) Stefan Karlsson, John Hughes , Robbert Jongeling, Adnan Causevic, Daniel Sundmark Software Quality Journal (Springer) (SQJ)