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cmUML - A UML based Framework for Formal Specification of Concurrent, Reactive Systems
Publication Type:
Journal article
Journal of Object Technology (JOT)
ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Complex software systems possess concurrent and reactive behaviors requiring precise
specifications prior to development. Lamportâs transition axiom method is a formal
specification method which combines axiomatic and operational approaches. On the
other hand Unified Modeling Language (UML), a de facto industry standard visual
language, lacks suitable constructs and semantics regarding concurrency aspects.
Though UML includes action semantics, its higher level constructs and object semantics
are inconsistent. Motivated by Lamportâs approach, this paper proposes a UML based
specification framework âcmUMLâ (âcmâ for concurrent modules) for formal specification
of concurrent, reactive systems without object level diagrams and OCL. The framework
integrates higher level diagrams of UML and addresses various concurrency issues
including exception handling. It combines UML-RT and UML/ SPT profile as the latter
defines a core package for concurrency and causality. Further the framework includes
the characteristic safety and liveness aspects of concurrent systems. The proposed
framework is in contrast with existing approaches based on low level primitives
(semaphore, monitors). The paper includes several specification examples validating the proposed framework.
author = {Jagadish Suryadevara and Lawrence Chung and Shyamasundar RK},
title = {cmUML - A UML based Framework for Formal Specification of Concurrent, Reactive Systems},
volume = {7},
number = {4},
month = {May},
year = {2008},
journal = {Journal of Object Technology (JOT)},
publisher = {ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology},
url = {}