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Towards Verified Synthesis of ProCom, a Component Model for Real-Time Embedded Systems


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


14th International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE)




To take advantage of component-based software engineering, software designers need a component framework that automates the assemblage and integration of developed components. It is then of prime importance to ensure that the synthesized code respects the definition of the component model's semantics. This is all the more difficult in the domain of embedded systems since the considered semantics usually aims at characterizing both functional properties (e.g. data and control dependencies) and non-functional properties such as timing and memory consumption.The component model considered in this paper, called ProCom, relies on an asynchronous operational semantics and a formal hypothesis of atomic and instantaneous interactions between components. The asynchronous approach targets higher flexibility in the deployment and analysis process, while the formal hypothesis helps in reducing the combinatory problems of formal verification.In this paper, we present a code generation strategy to synthesize ProCom components, and a formalization of this generated code. This formalization extends the verification possibilities of ProCom architectures, and constitutes a step toward the verification that the produced code respects the operational semantics of ProCom.


author = {Etienne Borde and Jan Carlson},
title = {Towards Verified Synthesis of ProCom, a Component Model for Real-Time Embedded Systems},
month = {June},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {14th International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE)},
publisher = {ACM},
url = {}