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Development of a Test Rig for MEMS-based Gyroscopic Motion Sensors in Human Applications
test rig, MEMS, gyroscope.
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
This paper describes the development of a test
rig for MEMS gyroscopes. The purpose of the test rig is testing
and verification of various gyroscopes that are intended for
human motion analysis. The test rig will be a tool to test functionality
and help in the selection process of appropriate
MEMS-gyroscopes. Human movement pattern differs from
mechanical motion and thus puts specific demands on the test
equipment and verification procedures.
The main function of the test rig is to rotate the gyroscope
and measure the precision in the sensor signal response in
different situations. This includes detection of different movement
patterns and performances in different environment
conditions (e.g. temperature, vibrations, etc).
Several components can be tested at the same time in the
test rig. Among the things that can be evaluated is the performance
of the components, comparisons between different
individual components or batches, aging processes of components
and verification of the component performance for comparison
of the specifications from the manufacturer. There are
several different pre-programmed test-programs available but
the test rig can also be manually operated. The data from the
tests are stored and can be analyzed and processed afterwards.
author = {Christer Gerdtman and Ylva B{\"a}cklund and Maria Lind{\'e}n},
title = {Development of a Test Rig for MEMS-based Gyroscopic Motion Sensors in Human Applications},
note = {test rig, MEMS, gyroscope.},
month = {June},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {IFBME},
publisher = {NBC15},
url = {}