Biomedical Engineering


The research within the Biomedical Engineering group focuses on reliable non-invasive physiological data acquisition and signal processing. The aim is to find solutions to real problems and the projects are performed in close collaboration with the public sector.

The Biomedical engineering group´s research is focused towards multisensor systems for measurements of physiological parameters. The systems are developed to be wearable, also including artificial intelligence and wireless communication to enable free mobility.

Project TitleStatus
Algorithms & Protocols Enhancing Mobility Support in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Bluetooth and Zigbee finished
Alternative input and control devices for disabled finished
CAMI - Artificially intelligent ecosystem for self-management and sustainable quality of life in AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) finished
Continuous monitoring of COPD patients finished
Development of a telemetric system for bioelectrical monitoring finished
ecare@home finished
Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Plus finished
ESS-H - Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Research Profile finished
Giraff + Combining social interaction and long term monitoring for promoting independent living finished
Improving Accuracy of the Cardiac Stress Test by Applying Advanced Signal Processing Methods to an Embedded Sensor Setting finished
Innocare finished
Interaktiv teknik för långsiktigt stöd av fysisk aktivitet hos äldre finished
Investigation of needs and requirements related to monitoring of physical activity in daily life: A qualitative study of older adults' experiences from using activity bracelets finished
IPOS, Integrated Personal Health Optimizing System finished
ITS ESS-H Industrial Graduate School in Reliable Embedded Sensor Systems finished
Kompetensnav Inbyggda Sensorsystem för hälsa / Competence hub Embedded Sensor Systems for Health finished
LACTA - a new method to identify the lactate threshold finished
MAMACELL finished
Measurement system for prevention of pressure sores finished
Micro sensors for better health finished
Microwaves in biomedicine finished
NovaMedTech finished
NovaMedTech II finished
PEWIT finished
RALF3 - Software for Embedded High Performance Architectures finished
Respiratory monitoring and other clinical applications of measurements of carbon dioxide in expiratory air finished
SALUTOGEN - Seniors’ Activity and quality of Life sUpported by Technology thrOugh deliGht, Engagement and iNterest finished
Stabilizing control of electrical drives finished
STARK - Skattning Tidigt av fysisk förmåga för Alla och Riktat stöd ger Kunskap och minskad fallrisk senare i livet finished
Systematiska översikter av hälso- och välfärdsteknik med bred implementering finished
Technology support for health promotive behavioural change finished
Wireless sensors for monitoring physiological parameters finished

[Show all publications]

Endodontic Continuing Education of Dental Practitioners in Croatia: A Nationwide Survey (Nov 2024)
Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Jurica Matijevic , Ivan Tomasic
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (OAMJMS)

Real-time Biosignal Processing and Feature Extraction from Photoplethysmography Signals for Cardiovascular Disease Monitoring (Oct 2024)
Saad Abdullah, Annica Kristoffersson, Maria Lindén
medicinteknikdagarna 2024 (MTD 2024)

Skin Cancer Diagnosis through Machine Learning: An Educational Tool for Improved Detection (Oct 2024)
Saad Abdullah, Kehkashan Kanwal , Abdelakram Hafid, Parveen Ghafoor , Annica Kristoffersson
medicinteknikdagarna 2024 (MTD 2024)

Patterns of Antibiotic Prescription in Endodontic Therapy in the Republic of Croatia (Jul 2024)
Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Božidar Pavelić , Ivona Bago , Ivana Šutej , Ivan Tomasic
Antibiotics (Antibiotics)

Current Diagnostic Techniques for Pneumonia: A Scoping Review (Jul 2024)
Kehkashan Kanwal , Muhammad Asif , Syed Ghufran Khalid , Haipeng Liu , Aisha Ghazal Qurashi , Saad Abdullah

Respiratory Rate Estimation from a Single Lead ECG Obtained During Dental Surgery (Jul 2024)
Ivan Tomasic, Ana Prkic , Antonella Lesin , Danijela Kalibovic Govorko , Ivana Medvedec Mikic
47th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (MIPRO 2024)

Maria Lindén, Professor

Room: U1-139
Phone: +46-21-101548