Division of Intelligent Future Technologies


Our undergratuate programs should deliver top engineering education and our students should be attractive and a first choice for companies looking for employees. Our two programs, Högskoleingenjör in Aeronautical engineering and Civilingenjör in Robotics, are designed to give the students a good balance between practical skills and theory in order to create complete engineers.

The research at the department consists of Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Helath technology, Artificial Intelligence and the new and recently started research within Avionics. Our research is mainly applied and often from a system perspective. We build systems that can be used as proof of principles or as demonstrators to show the practical use of our research results. The research problems are often derived from real problems that exist within the industry or the public sector.     

First NameLast NameTitle
Abdelakram Hafid Post Doc
Adnan Ghaderi Doctoral student
Agnieszka Jaff Doctoral student
Alessandro Papadopoulos Professor
Alexandre Carlos Brandão Ramos
Ali Zoljodi Doctoral student
Ann-Louise Lindborg
Anna Åkerberg Post Doc
Annica Kristoffersson Associate Professor,Head of Division
Atieh Hanna Industrial Doctoral Student
Baran Çürüklü Senior Lecturer
Bostan Khan Doctoral student
Branko Miloradovic Post Doc
Carl Ahlberg Research Engineer/Technician
Christoph Salomon Doctoral student
Daniel Morberg Research Engineer/Technician
Elaine Åstrand Associate Professor,Senior Lecturer
Elias Kettunen Doctoral student
Emil Persson Doctoral student
Farnam Khalili Maybodi Research Engineer/Technician
Francisco Herrera
Fredrik Bruhn Adjunct Professor
Fredrik Ekstrand Deputy Head of Division
Gabriele Gualandi Associated Senior Lecturer,Senior Lecturer
Håkan Forsberg Associate Professor,Docent,Senior Lecturer
Hamid GholamHosseini Adjunct Professor,Visiting Professor
Henrik Falk Research Engineer/Technician
Ivan Tomasic Associate Professor
Joakim Lindén Industrial Doctoral Student
Joana Silva Doctoral student
Joaquin Ballesteros Post Doc
Johan Hjorth Doctoral student
Johan Holmberg Doctoral student
Johannes Deivard Research Assistant
Jonas Ljungblad Post Doc
Jonatan Tidare Adjunct Senior Lecturer
José-Fernán Martínez-Ortega
Kjell-Åke Brorsson Consulting Senior Lecturer
LanAnh Trinh
Lennie Carlén Eriksson Lecturer
Lukas Dust Doctoral student
Mainak Chakraborty Post Doc
Maria Ehn Researcher
Maria Lindén Professor
Martin Åhlenius Industrial Doctoral Student
Martin Ekström Senior Lecturer
Martin Johansson-Alvarez Doctoral student
Masoud Daneshtalab Professor
Mia Folke Professor
Miguel Leon Ortiz Senior Lecturer
Mikael Ekström Professor
Mirko Senkovski Karlsson Lecturer
Mohammad Riazati
Mojtaba Kaheni Post Doc
Mostafa Salehi
Niklas Persson Doctoral student,Lecturer
Nikola Petrovic Senior Lecturer
Nils Sundelius Researcher
Ning Xiong Professor
Obed Mogaka Doctoral student
Per Hellström Senior Lecturer
Per Olov Risman Adjunct Professor
Peter Funk Professor
Rickard Sohlberg Dr H.C. Senior Project Manager
Ricky Stanley D Cruze
Ruifang Huo Visiting Teacher
Saad Abdullah Associated Senior Lecturer
Saedeh Abbaspour Gildeh
Samaneh Zolfaghari Post Doc
Sarala Mohan Industrial Doctoral Student
Sepehr Mousavi Doctoral student
Seyedali Mousavi Post Doc
Seyedhamidreza Mousavi Doctoral student
Sima Sinaei Post Doc
Xu Wang Industrial Doctoral Student
Zafer Yigit Industrial Doctoral Student
Project TitleStatus
A Digital Twin Framework for Dynamic and Robust Distributed Systems active
ADAPTER: Adaptive Learning and Information Fusion for Online Classification Based on Evolving Big Data Streams active
ARCUS, Autonomous reconnaissance capability for unmanned aerial systems active
AutoDeep: Automatic Design of Safe, High-Performance and Compact Deep Learning Models for Autonomous Vehicles active
AutoFL: Cross-Layer Trusted Systems for Heterogeneous Federated Learning at Scale active
CTEDS, Cooperative Perimeter Protection with Heterogeneous Drone Swarms active
Dependable AI in Safe Autonomous Systems active
FASTER-ΑΙ: Fully Autonomous Safety- and Time-critical Embedded Realization of Artificial Intelligence active
GreenDL: Green Deep Learning for Edge Devices active
Identifying key variables in monitoring of production processes in automotive industry: A deep learning method active
InSecTT: Intelligent Secure Trustable Things active
MARC: Mälardalen University Automation Research Center active
NeuroTrust - Trusted Smart BCI Systems for neurorehabilitation after stroke active
NFFP7-DYMA:System for dynamic matching of aviation maintenance capabilities and tactical needs using machine learning and big data active
Performant and Flexible digital Systems through Verifiable AI active
PRE-fall Personalized fall Risk reduction based on Early detection of deteriorated physical abilities active
PSI: Pervasive Self-Optimizing Computing Infrastructures active
Rehabilitating the motor circuits of the brain - improving motor recovery after stroke active
RELIANT Industrial graduate school: Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous Systems active
ROBOREC: Semi-automated Dismantling System for Battery Metal Recovery and Recycling active
SECO-Collab Living Lab active
Secure Detection of Wandering Behavior: Indoor Monitoring Enhanced by Deep Learning active
Self-supervised learning for predictive maintenance active
TRIM: TRustworthy Interaction of Multi-agent systems active
ADAPT2030, Adaptive lifecycle design by applying digitalization and AI techniques to production - Adapt 2030 finished
Aggregate Farming in the Cloud finished
AI for Sustainable Food Production from Farm to Fork finished
AIM, Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications finished
Algorithms & Protocols Enhancing Mobility Support in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Bluetooth and Zigbee finished
Alternative input and control devices for disabled finished
Artificiell Intelligens för att förvandla kvalitetsregister till individanpassat beslutstöd i vården, 2017-01555 finished
AVANS - civilingenjörsprogrammet i tillförlitliga flyg- och rymdsystem finished
Brain technology in stroke rehabilitation – increasing motor recovery finished
CAMI - Artificially intelligent ecosystem for self-management and sustainable quality of life in AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) finished
CogTrack: Real-Time Cognitive Tracking as an Approach to Identify Substance Abuse finished
Collaborative Adaptive Autonomous Agents finished
Computational Intelligence in Process Modelling and Prediction finished
Continuous monitoring of COPD patients finished
DeepMaker: Deep Learning Accelerator on Commercial Programmable Devices finished
DESTINE: Developing Predictable Vehicle Software Utilizing Time Sensitive Networking finished
Development of a telemetric system for bioelectrical monitoring finished
Development of Electroencephalography (EEG) Signal Analysis Techniques for Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Systems finished
Digitalization of HVDC grids by means of smart data discovery finished
DPAC - Dependable Platforms for Autonomous systems and Control finished
ecare@home finished
eCraft2Learn - Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch finished
EKEN-Efficient knowledge and experience reuse within the business world finished
Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Plus finished
EMOPAC - Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization and Its Applications in Analog Circuit Design finished
Energy-Efficient Hardware Accelerator for Embedded Deep Learning finished
ESS-H - Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Research Profile finished
ExAct, Intelligent experience sharing for industrial applications finished
FuturAS: Future Generation Automation Systems finished
GIMME3 - Semi-fault tolerant next generation high performance computer architecture based on screened industrial components finished
HERO: Heterogeneous systems - software-hardware integration finished
IEMI: Intelligent extraction of mental imagery during stroke rehabilitation finished
ImmerSafe - Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications finished
IMod - Intelligent Concentration Monitoring and Warning System for Professional Drivers finished
InMaint - Intelligent Monitoring and Maintenance in Production Industry finished
Intelligent Human Robot Interaction finished
IPOS, Integrated Personal Health Optimizing System finished
ITS ESS-H Industrial Graduate School in Reliable Embedded Sensor Systems finished
ITS-EASY, SVAHLA - Stereo Vision Assisted Hauler and Loader Alignment finished
Kompetensnav Inbyggda Sensorsystem för hälsa / Competence hub Embedded Sensor Systems for Health finished
LACTA - a new method to identify the lactate threshold finished
Machine learning in power devices and power systems finished
MALTA finished
MAMACELL finished
Measurement system for prevention of pressure sores finished
Micro sensors for better health finished
Microwaves in biomedicine finished
Modular Lightweight Robotics finished
Music in Motion - A Project that combines Arts with Science finished
NeighbourFood - Sharing economy for a resilient food supply chain finished
NovaMedTech finished
NovaMedTech II finished
PEWIT finished
PROMPT - Professional Master’s in Software Engineering (step II, phase B&C) finished
Ralf II finished
Real-time Heterogeneous Systems finished
RECOG: Closed-loop neurofeedback innovation for cognitive rehabilitation finished
Respiratory monitoring and other clinical applications of measurements of carbon dioxide in expiratory air finished
RoboCat finished
Robocygne finished
Robot Colleague - A Project in Collaborative Robotics finished
RUNNER finished
SACSys - Safe and Secure Adaptive Collaborative Systems finished
SafeDeep: Dependable Deep Learning for Safety-Critical Airborne Embedded Systems finished
SafeDriver: A Real Time Driver's State Monitoring and Prediction System finished
Safety Critical Industrial Machine Vision Inspection and Control System (SAFEi) finished
Saga finished
SALUTOGEN - Seniors’ Activity and quality of Life sUpported by Technology thrOugh deliGht, Engagement and iNterest finished
Självkörande cyklar för mer verklighetstrogen utveckling och verifiering av fordons säkerhetssystem för undvikande av cykelolyckor finished
Smart and networking underWAter Robots in cooperation MesheS finished
STARK - Skattning Tidigt av fysisk förmåga för Alla och Riktat stöd ger Kunskap och minskad fallrisk senare i livet finished
Systematiska översikter av hälso- och välfärdsteknik med bred implementering finished
Technology support for health promotive behavioural change finished
TESLA - Time-critical & Safe wireLess Automation communication finished
Two Camera System finished
Unicorn -Sustainable, peaceful and efficient robotic refuse handling finished
V-trustEE finished
VARUM - Vision Aided Robots for Underwater Minehunting finished
VDM - Vehicle Driver Monitoring finished
Wireless sensors for monitoring physiological parameters finished
Dasher on-hold
GENIUS on-hold
Roony on-hold