Elaine Åstrand is research group leader of the neuroengineering group.
Pupil Diameter Does Not Covary with Learning During Single-Session Neurofeedback Training (Aug 2024) Joana Silva, Elmeri Syrjänen, Elaine Åstrand IEEE EMBS, the 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2024 (EMBS)
Individual temporal and spatial dynamics of learning to control central Beta activity in neurofeedback training (Aug 2023) Elmeri Syrjänen, Joana Silva, Elaine Åstrand 2023 11th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER) (NER)
On understanding the role of exoskeleton robots in hand rehabilitation: a brief review (Jul 2022) Maria Ortega , Antonio Jaen Ortega , Per Hellström, Elaine Åstrand, Mikael Ekström 8th InternationalEngineering, SCiences and Technology Conference (IESTEC'22)
Dependability Evaluation of an Online Pupillometry-based Feedback System for Optimized Training (May 2022) Emil Carmegren, Elaine Åstrand, Ivan Tomasic 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (MIPRO 2022)
Prefrontal control of proactive and reactive mechanisms of visual suppression (Jan 2022) Fabio Di Bello , Sameh Ben Hadj Hassen , Elaine Åstrand, Suliann Ben Hamed Cerebral Cortex (CerebCor)
EEG non-stationarity across multiple sessions during a Motor Imagery-BCI intervention: two post stroke case series (May 2021) Elaine Åstrand, Jeanette Plantin , Susanne Palmcrantz , Jonatan Tidare 10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER'21)
Joana Silva
Jonatan Tidare (former)
Martin Johansson-Alvarez