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EEG non-stationarity across multiple sessions during a Motor Imagery-BCI intervention: two post stroke case series
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
Abstract— Clinical Electroencephalogram (EEG) Brain-
Computer-Interface (BCI) rehabilitation largely depend on
reliable information extraction from steadily evolving brain
features. Non-stationary EEG feature behavior is considered a
major challenge and a lot of effort has been devoted to
developing adaptive methods to accommodate for this nonstationarity.
However, learning- and plasticity-related
mechanisms throughout a BCI intervention are additional
sources of non-stationarity, that even though expected, we know
very little about. In this work, we explore the evolution of Motor
Imagery (MI) information extraction across multiple sessions, in
two stroke patients, using a fixed and an adaptive Support
Vector Machine (SVM) model. We show different behavior of
the fixed SVM model for the two patients, indicating that for one
patient, relevant MI-related EEG features shifted throughout
the intervention. This observation calls for further investigations
to better understand the evolution and shift of features across
sessions, as well as the impact of using adaptive methods from a
clinical outcome perspective.
author = {Elaine {\AA}strand and Jeanette Plantin and Susanne Palmcrantz and Jonatan Tidare},
title = {EEG non-stationarity across multiple sessions during a Motor Imagery-BCI intervention: two post stroke case series},
month = {May},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering},
url = {}