Ning Xiong is Professor of Artificial Intelligence. He obtained the Ph.D with Excellent distinction from the University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) in 2000. His research addresses various aspects of computational intelligence techniques, incuding machine learning and big data analytics, evolutionary computing, fuzzy systems, uncertainty management, as well as multi-sensor data fusion, for building self-learning and adaptive systems in industrial and medical domains. He is serving as editorial board members for three international journals. He also has been invited keynote speakers, program committee chairs for internastional conferences and guest editors of special issues for leading journals.
Federated fuzzy learning with imbalanced data (Dec 2021) Lukas Dust, Marina López Murcia, Petter Nordin , Andreas Mäkilä , Ning Xiong, Francisco Herrera IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2021 (ICMLA'21)
BELIEF: A distance-based redundancy-proof feature selection method for Big Data (Feb 2021) D. López, Sergio Ramírez-Gallego, Salvador García, Ning Xiong, Francisco Herrera Information Sciences (INS21)
Interval Number-Based Safety Reasoning Method for Verification of Decentralized Power Systems in High-Speed Trains (Jan 2021) Peng Wu, Ning Xiong, Jinzhao Wu Mathematical problems in engineering (MPE21)
An Incremental fuzzy learning approach for online classification of data streams (Dec 2020) Vladyslav Yavtukhovskyi, Rami Abukhader, Nils Tillaeus, Ning Xiong 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition 2020 (SoCPaR2020)
Intelligent traffic signal control based on reinforcement learning (Dec 2020) Natalija Dokic, Miroljub Tomic, Jasmina Stevic, Dunja Dokic, Ning Xiong International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2020)
Using differential evolution techniques for management of a hybrid-electric propulsion system (Nov 2020) Manuel A. Rendon, Carlos D. Sanchez, Josselyn Gallo, Jose F. Garcia, Ning Xiong Brazilian Conference on Automation (BCA20)
Johan Hjorth
Johan Holmberg
Miguel Leon Ortiz (former)
Sarala Mohan
Sharmin Sultana Sheuly (former)
Ella Olsson (former)
Jonatan Tidare (former)
Martin Johansson-Alvarez
Tomas Olsson (former)