Tomas Olsson, Researcher (not working at IDT anymore)

Tomas Olsson is a PhD student at MdH and a researcher at SICS, with a licentiate degree from Uppsala University. His research interests are in applied AI, statistical machine learning and Case-Based Reasoning.

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Latest publications:

Machine Learning Models for Industrial Applications (Feb 2021)
Enislay Ramentol , Tomas Olsson, Shaibal Barua
AI and Learning Systems - Industrial Applications and Future Directions (intechopen)

A Data-Driven Approach to Remote Fault Diagnosis of Heavy-duty Machines (Oct 2015)
Tomas Olsson
Doctoral Thesis (PhD Thesis)

Fault Diagnosis via Fusion of Information from a Case Stream (Sep 2015)
Tomas Olsson, Ning Xiong, Elisabeth Källström , Peter Funk
23rd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2015)

A Probabilistic Approach to Aggregating Anomalies for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Industrial Applications (May 2015)
Tomas Olsson, Anders Holst
The 28th International FLAIRS Conference (Flairs-28)

Representation and similarity evaluation of symbolic time series in uncertain environments (Sep 2014)
Ning Xiong, Peter Funk, Tomas Olsson
The Workshop on "Time in CBR" in the International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, 2014 (RATIC14)

Fault Diagnosis of Heavy Duty Machines: Automatic Transmission Clutches (Sep 2014)
Tomas Olsson, Elisabeth Källström , Daniel Gillblad, Peter Funk, John Lindström , Lars Håkansson , Joakim Lundin , Magnus Svensson , Jonas Larsson
Workshop on Synergies between CBR and Data Mining at 22nd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (CBRDM'14)