A current vision in the area of ICT-supported independent living of the elderly involves populating the home with connected electronic
devices (“things”) such as sensors and actuators and linking them to the Internet. Creating such an Internet-of-Things infrastructure (IoT) is
done with the ambition to provide automated information gathering and processing on top of which e-services for the elderly residing in
their homes can be built hence, E-care@home.
As a basis for these services the information from the home devices can be collected and organized in the form of personal health records
(PHR). In addition to the information contained in the PHR, the services need to be linked and interfaced to other computerized “things”
such as care and health related information resources, i.e., electronic health records (EHR), home-service (in Swedish: hemtjänst)
documentation, end-user generated information, informal care-givers related information (e.g., information provided from family, neighbors,
social networks etc.). Thus, the IoT infrastructure defines how the things will be connected through the Internet and how those things “talk”
with other things and communicate with other systems in order to expose their capabilities and functionalities. Technically speaking IoT is
mainly supported by continuous progress in wireless sensor/actuator networks software applications and by manufacturing low cost and
energy efficient hardware for device communications. However, heterogeneity of underlying devices and communication technologies and
interoperability in different layers, from communication and seamless integration of devices to interoperability of data/information generated
by the IoT resources, is the major challenge for expanding generic IoT technologies to efficient ICT-supported services for the elderly.
E-care@home is designed to address this interoperability challenge by 1) performing research on selected fundamental issues in semantic
interoperability with a particular focus on human-machine interoperability, that is to say how to enable users to query and control the IoT
infrastructure on meaningful terms that are human interpretable and EHR/PHR compatible.; and
2) testing the research results on a technical platform which is embedded in the Internet of Things and provides information with an
unambiguous, shared meaning across IoT devices, elderly residents, relatives, health-and-care professionals and organizations and
various personal information repositories and the various electronic health records associated with those.
In this context we address and go beyond the state of the art in: context-aware modelling, reasoning, and automatic device configuration.
The partners behind this proposal are already part of cutting edge EU research in ambient assisted living, internet of things, sensing
technology and home robotics and/or have a strong national presence in these areas.
First Name | Last Name | Title |
Maria | Lindén | Professor |
Mobyen Uddin | Ahmed | Professor |
Ivan | Tomasic | Associate Professor |
Maryam | Vahabi | Senior Lecturer |
Nikola | Petrovic | Senior Lecturer |
Anna | Åkerberg | Post Doc |
Annica | Kristoffersson | |
Hossein | Fotouhi | Associate Professor,Docent |
Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies for HealthCare (Mar 2018) Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum, Jean-Baptiste Bastel 4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare (HealthyIoT'17)
A Cost Efficient Design of a Multi-Sink Multi-Controller WSN in a Smart Factory (Dec 2017) Hamid Reza Faragardi, Hossein Fotouhi, Thomas Nolte, Rahim Rahmani The 19th IEEE International Conference on Hight Performance and Communications (HPCC'17)
Survey on Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Sensor Systems for Health (Nov 2017) Aida Causevic, Hossein Fotouhi, Kristina Lundqvist Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications (Wiley)
Run-Time Assurance for the E-care@home System (Nov 2017) Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Hossein Fotouhi, Uwe Köckemann , Maria Lindén, Ivan Tomasic, Nicolas Tsiftes , Thiemo Voigt 4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare (HealthyIoT'17)
Big Data Analytics in Health Monitoring at Home (Oct 2017) Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum Medicinteknikdagarna 2017 (MTD 2017)
A Heterogeneous IoT-based Architecture for Remote Monitoring of Physiological and Environmental Parameters (Oct 2017) Gordana Garsašević , Hossein Fotouhi, Ivan Tomasic, Maryam Vahabi, Mats Björkman, Maria Lindén 4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare (HealthyIoT'17)