Hossein Fotouhi, Associate Professor, Docent

Hossein Fotouhi is an Associate Professor at Mälardalen University (MDU), where he has been since 2015, initially joining as a Postdoctoral researcher. He obtained his PhD degree from University of Porto, Portugal in 2015, focusing on "Reliable Mobility Support in Low-Power Wireless Networks". During his doctoral studies, he contributed as a researcher at CISTER/INESC-TEC. His research interests include connectivity, sensor networks, wireless communication systems, and intelligent communication, with a specialization in integrating AI/ML algorithms into communication networks. Notably, he has secured several project fundings at MDU, including the prestigious VR starting grant, a highly competitive funding opportunity in Sweden.

Current projects and roles:

  • R2Microgrid (Resilient and Robust Microgrid Systems) project, under Resilient, Energy System Competence Center, co-funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and MDU, started Jan 2025. Role: project manager
  • GREENER (Intelligent energy management in connected construction sites), FFI-Vinnova, started in 2020, 4 years, partners: Volvo CE and VTI,  Role: project leader
  • PROVIDENT (Predictable Software Development in Connected Vehicles Utilising Blended TSN-5G Networks), FFI-Vinnova, started in 2020, 4 years, partners: HIAB and Arcticus,  Role: co-applicant, member
  • AutoFL (Cross-Layer Trusted Systems for Heterogeneous Federated Learning at Scale),  Role: co-applicant, member
  • ARRAY (Automation Region Research Academy),  Role: member

Past projects and roles:

  • MobiFog (mobility management in Fog-assisted IoT networks), VR starting grant project (started 2019, 4 years), project leader
  • FlexiHealth (flexible softwarized networks for digital healthcare), Prospekt KKS (started 2019, 2 years): 3 companies are involved (Alten, Ondosis, Accellrate), project leader
  • Health5G (Future eHealth powered by 5G), Celtic Next European project (started 2019, 3 years), co-applicant and WP leader
  • FiC (Future factories in the Cloud), member
  • ESS-H plus (Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Research Profile), KKS research profile (started 2019, 3 years), co-applicant, member


  • Course responsible of "Internet of Things, Data Communication and Security", DVA268, 2024.
  • Guest lecture at "Design of autonomous systems", DVA485, Feb 28, 2024.
  • Docent lecture on "Dependable Low-Power Wireless Communication" in Feb 27, 2024. 
  • Guest lecture at "Autonomous Vehicles", FLA433, 2023. 
  • Course responsible of "Internet of Things, Data Communication and Security", DVA268, 2023.
  • Teaching at "Introduction to the Internet of Things for the manufacturing industry", PPU322, 2023.
  • Teaching at "Industrial Internet of Things for Manufacturing Industry", PPU434, 2023.
  • SEMANTIC project summer school on "emerging models and trends for dynamic network slicing and resource virtualization". Talk on "mobility management solutions: from 5G to IoT networks", June 2022. 
  • Guest lecture at the Introduction Course of Networking Students (BSc), 2021 
  • Developing and teaching at IoT and Fog Computing course (Ph.D. level), 2019
  • Developing IIoT course (Master), 2019 
  • Teaching at Practical real-time control and embedded dynamic simulations (Master), 2019
  • Teaching at Wireless Communication (Bachelor), 2019
  • Teaching at Sensor Techniques (Master), 2017
  • Teaching at Autonomous Systems course (Master), 2019 and 2020 

Community services:

  • IEEE Periodicals Track Chair at WF-IoT 2025.
  • PhD thesis examiner of Dilushi Piumwardane at Uppsala University on "Multi-Tag Backscatter Networks", June 2024. 
  • IoT Journal Track Chair at WF-IoT 2024.
  • Lead Guest Editor at IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors. Special section on "Emerging Technologies in Sensor Networks", 2023. 
  • Guest editor at Elsevier Measurement-Sensors, 2023. 


His research interests are Wireless Networks, Intelligent Wireless Communication, Sensor Networks, Mobile Computing, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, and Software Defined Networking.

He is currently involved in the following projects: (1) MobiFog, (2) GREENER, and (3) PROVIDENT. He was involved in many projects in the past, such as (1) CONET European project (cluster of COTS for QoS in cooperating objects), (2) MASQOTS FCT project, (3) EMMON European project, (4) ESS-H research profile, (5) ecare@home, (6) READY, (7) FiC, (8) Health5G, and (9) FlexiHealth

He published papers in several top notch venues, including EWSN, WFCS, ETFA, COMPSAC, HealthCom Conferences, and IEEE IoT, IEEE TMC, IEE Sensors, IEEE ACCESS, Elsevier Ad-hoc Networks, Elsevier COMCOM, MDPI Sensors, and MDPI JSAN journals.