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Trace-Based Statistical Timing Analysis of Complex Industrial Real-Time Embedded Systems



Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Real-Time in Sweden 2011 (RTiS 11)


Mälardalen Real-Time Research Center (MRTC)


Real-time embedded systems are becoming ever more complex, and we are reaching the stage where even if static Response-Time Analysis (RTA) was feasible from a cost and technical perspective, the results are overly pessimistic making them less useful to the practitioner. When combined with the fact that most timing analysis tends to be statistical in nature, this suggests there should be a move toward statistical RTA, which gives a task’s worst-case response time estimate under a predictable probability of being exceeded. However, to make such analysis useful, it is imperative that we have evidence that the statistical RTA and the information analyzed is sufficiently accurate. In this project, we will address the above issue by presenting and validating a statistical RTA technique based around analyzing timing traces taken from real systems, which can cope with systems that are complex from both a size and tasks’ dependencies perspective, as well as some typical case when the source code and/or object code of systems is/are withheld due to the protection of intellectual property.


author = {Yue Lu},
title = {Trace-Based Statistical Timing Analysis of Complex Industrial Real-Time Embedded Systems},
editor = {The Swedish National Real-Time Association (SNART)},
month = {June},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {Real-Time in Sweden 2011 (RTiS 11) },
publisher = {M{\"a}lardalen Real-Time Research Center (MRTC) },
url = {}