Mr. Yue Lu has a Ph.D. in computer science, majored in data analysis and model-based development of real-time embedded systems. He received a M.Sc in Mechatronics from University of Southern Denmark (2005) focusing on model-based development of embedded software using state diagrams and C/C++, followed by a half-year work at Sony (Ericsson) as a test developer. At his Ph.D. work and a five-month research intern at INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, Yue typically had learned the knowledge and practiced his skills in using statistics and probability theory (e.g., extreme value theory, goodness-of-fit hypothesis test, non-parametric statistics, resampling, etc), to perform data analysis of real-time embedded systems. His other specialties lie in requirements traceability using statistics, probabilistic modeling, data fusion and integration, Bayesian analysis, simulation optimization, meta-heuristics, Monte Carlo simulation, model-based development, model-driven engineering, model validation, model checking, etc. Mr. Lu also worked as a research intern at Albright Stonebridge Group, by providing useful information and drawing some meaningful conclusions to the company, based upon his up-to-date knowledge on technical and non-technical trends as well as strategic play.
Dr. Lus research interests mainly lie in development of automated information retrieval techniques for requirements traceability by using cross-domain analysis methods, data analysis using statistics (e.g., statistical scheduling analysis of real-time embedded systems), probabilistic modeling of real-time embedded systems, data fusion and integration, Bayesian analysis, simulation optimization, meta-heuristics (e.g., Genetic Algorithms), Monte Carlo simulation, model-based development, model validation, model-driven engineering, model checking, etc. So far, Mr. Lu has authored 30 publications in total. Among these, he has been the first author of 21 peer-reviewed papers, one journal, one licentiate thesis, one Ph.D. thesis (i.e.,, one technical report, etc. Dr. Lu is vehemently pursuing some great opportunities, working together with their academic and industrial partners as a positive factor, to develop some win-win situations.
A Hazard Domain Ontology for Preliminary Hazard Analysis in Reuse Scenarios (Jan 2016) Jiale Zhou, Kaj Hänninen, Yue Lu, Kristina Lundqvist, Luciana Provenzano
An Environment-Driven Ontological Approach to Requirements Elicitation for Safety-Critical Systems (Sep 2015) Jiale Zhou, Kaj Hänninen, Kristina Lundqvist, Yue Lu, Luciana Provenzano, Kristina Forsberg 23rd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'15)
Towards Feature-oriented Requirements Validation for Automotive Systems (Aug 2014) Jiale Zhou, Yue Lu, Kristina Lundqvist 22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'14)
The Observer-Based Technique for Requirements Validation in Embedded Real-Time Systems (Aug 2014) Jiale Zhou, Yue Lu, Kristina Lundqvist 1st International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Testing (RET'14)
A TASM-based Requirements Validation Approach for Safety-critical Embedded Systems (Jun 2014) Jiale Zhou, Yue Lu, Kristina Lundqvist The 19th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies Ada-Europe 2014 (Ada-Europe14)
A Context-based Information Retrieval Technique for Recovering Use-Case-to-Source-Code Trace Links in Embedded Software Systems (Sep 2013) Jiale Zhou, Yue Lu, Kristina Lundqvist 39th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA13)
Project Title | Status |
Extract | finished |
PG-Leg-Asis Legacy Model Analysis | finished |
PROGRESS | finished |
START - Stochastic Real-Time Analysis of Embedded Software Systems | finished |
Jiale Zhou (former)