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Towards Feature-oriented Requirements Validation for Automotive Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
In the modern automotive industry, feature models have been widely used as a domain-specific requirements model, which can capture commonality and variability of a software product line through a set of features. Product variants can thus be configured by selecting different sets of features from the feature model. For feature-oriented requirements validation, the variability of feature sets often makes the hidden flaws such as behavioral inconsistencies of features, hardly to avoid. In this paper, we present an approach to feature-oriented requirements validation for automotive systems w.r.t both functional behaviors and non-functional properties. Our approach first starts with the behavioral specification of features and the associated requirements by following a restricted use case modeling approach, and then formalizes such specifications by using a formal yet literate language for analysis. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach through an industrial application of a Vehicle Locking-Unlocking system
author = {Jiale Zhou and Yue Lu and Kristina Lundqvist},
title = {Towards Feature-oriented Requirements Validation for Automotive Systems},
month = {August},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference},
url = {}