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Virtual Communication Bus with Hardware and Software Tasksin Real-Time System
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Proceedings for the work in progress and industrial experience sessions
The FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) of recent years has
opened newer design possibilities of moving software into
hardware. This paper is studied at two cases of transferring
functionality from software into hardware. The paper describes the
VCB (Virtual Communication Bus) concept and hardware tasks.
The approach with VCB is focused today on existing systems with
a main processor and slave processors or DSP (Digital Signal
Processors). The first approach is to reduce the system load from
the VCB bus and the second phase will be to eliminate the slave
processors and move them to hardware tasks implemented in
FPGA. This means that a hardware task can consist of 1000 pages
of C code. The hardware tasks will reduce the response time and
make the system more time-deterministic.
author = {Peter Nygren and Lennart Lindh},
title = {Virtual Communication Bus with Hardware and Software Tasksin Real-Time System},
editor = {Peter Puschner,Iain Bate and Martin T{\"o}rngren},
month = {June},
year = {2000},
booktitle = {Proceedings for the work in progress and industrial experience sessions},
url = {}