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A Tool Concept for Execution Time Analysis of Legacy Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Euromicro Real-Time Conference 2002, Work-in-Progress session
In industry, real-time requirements sometimes arise a long time after the system was initially developed. The systems can be large, and the code may be unstructured. This makes it hard to use existing execution time estimation methods and it may not be economically feasible to rewrite the code. These features of the code, together with the complexity of the systems, also complicate program comprehension.
In this paper we present a tool concept based on a novel combination of DJ graphs, execution time estimates and a graphical notation. The method enables analysis and visualization of the above mentioned systems and is intended to give programmers a good overview of execution paths and their corresponding execution time estimates. The analysis consists of loop identification and execution time estimation. A graphical viewer uses output from the compile-time analysis.
The tool concept has been partly implemented, and it has been used to analyse a part of a large telecommunication legacy system.
author = {Johan Lindhult and Peter Funk and Jan Gustafsson and Bj{\"o}rn Lisper},
title = {A Tool Concept for Execution Time Analysis of Legacy Systems},
month = {June},
year = {2002},
booktitle = {Euromicro Real-Time Conference 2002, Work-in-Progress session},
url = {}