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Estimating the universal positions of wireless body electrodes for measuring cardiac electrical activity
Publication Type:
Journal article
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
A methodology is presented for estimating the wireless body electrode (WE) positions and for calculating the linear transformations that enable the synthesis of a 12-lead ECG or a multichannel ECG from three WEs, which in turn simplifies and improves the acquisition of ECGs. We present, compare, and evaluate three approaches to the synthesis: fully personalized, fully universal, and combined with universal leads and personalized transformations. The evaluation results show that WEs are an acceptable alternative to the standard 12-lead ECG device for patients with chronic myocardial ischemia, if either the fully personalized or combined approach is used. The median correlation coefficients are all higher than 0.94 and 0.92 for the fully personalized and combined approaches, respectively. The corresponding kappa and percentual diagnostic agreements between the synthesized and target 12-lead ECGs are 0.88 (95%) and 0.83 (92%), respectively. The evaluation additionally shows that the personalization of the transformations has more impact on the quality of the synthesized ECGs than the personalization of the WEs' positions.
author = {Ivan Tomasic and Sabina Frljak and Roman Trobec},
title = {Estimating the universal positions of wireless body electrodes for measuring cardiac electrical activity},
pages = {3368--3374},
month = {December},
year = {2013},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering},
url = {}