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Determining the Worst Case Instruction Cache Miss-Ratio



<PRE>BibTex @InProceedings{sebek02wccmr, author = {Filip Sebek and Jan Gustafsson}, title = {Determining the Worst Case Instruction Cache Miss-Ratio}, institution = {M"alardalen Real-Time Research Centre}, year = {2002}, key = {cache memories, real time, WCET}, address = {San José, California, USA}, month = sept # "24,", url = "", booktitle = "Proceedings of Workshop On Embedded System Codesign (ESCODES02)", }</PRE>

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Proceedings of Workshop On Embedded System Codesign (ESCODES02)


A high cache miss-ratio of a program will lead to longer execution time and a higher power consumption. By knowing the cache miss-ratio, performance can be estimated in advance and can be used as input for compilers and system developers. This paper presents a method to bound the worst-case instruction cache miss-ratio of a program. The method is static, needs no manual annotations in the code and is safe in the meaning that no under-estimation is possible.


author = {Filip Sebek and Jan Gustafsson},
title = {Determining the Worst Case Instruction Cache Miss-Ratio},
note = {\textlessPRE\textgreaterBibTex @InProceedings\textbraceleftsebek02wccmr, author = \textbraceleftFilip Sebek and Jan Gustafsson\textbraceright, title = \textbraceleftDetermining the Worst Case Instruction Cache Miss-Ratio\textbraceright, institution = \textbraceleftM{"}alardalen Real-Time Research Centre\textbraceright, year = \textbraceleft2002\textbraceright, key = \textbraceleftcache memories, real time, WCET\textbraceright, address = \textbraceleftSan Jos{\~A}©, California, USA\textbraceright, month = sept {\#} {"}24,{"}, url = {"}{\_}show.php3?id=0052{"}, booktitle = {"}Proceedings of Workshop On Embedded System Codesign (ESCODES02){"}, \textbraceright\textless/PRE\textgreater},
month = {September},
year = {2002},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop On Embedded System Codesign (ESCODES02)},
url = {}