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A Comparison of the RTU Hardware RTOS with a Hardware/Software RTOS



Jaehwan Lee , Karl Ingström, Anders Daleby , Tommy Klevin , Vincent John Mooney III , Lennart Lindh

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


ASP-DAC 2003 (Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 2003)


Abstract – In this paper, we show the performance comparison and analysis result among three RTOSes: the Real-Time Unit (RTU) hardware RTOS, the pure software Atalanta RTOS and a hardware/software RTOS composed of part of Atalanta interfaced to the System-on-a-Chip Lock Cache (SoCLC) hardware. We also present our RTOS configuration framework that can automatically configure these three RTOSes. The average-case simula-tion result of a database application example on a three-processor system running thirty tasks with RTU and the same system with SoCLC showed 36% and 19% overall speedups, respectively, as compared to the pure software RTOS system.


author = {Jaehwan Lee and Karl Ingstr{\"o}m and Anders Daleby and Tommy Klevin and Vincent John Mooney III and Lennart Lindh},
title = {A Comparison of the RTU Hardware RTOS with a Hardware/Software RTOS},
editor = {Jaehwan Lee, Vincent John Mooney III, Karl Ingstr{\"o}m, Anders Daleby, Tommy Klevin* and Lennart Lindh*},
month = {January},
year = {2003},
booktitle = {ASP-DAC 2003 (Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 2003)},
url = {}