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Resource Sharing Under Global Scheduling with Partial Processor Bandwidth
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
10th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems
Resource efficient approaches are of great importance
for resource constrained embedded systems. In this paper,
we present an approach targeting systems where tasks of a critical
application are partitioned on a multi-core platform and by
using resource reservation techniques, the remaining bandwidth
capacity on each core is utilized for one or a set of non-critical
application(s). To provide a resource efficient solution and to
exploit the potential parallelism of the extra applications on
the multi-core processor, global scheduling is used to schedule
the tasks of the non-critical applications. Recently a specific
instantiation of such a system has been studied where tasks do
not share resources other than the processor. In this paper, we
enable semaphore-based resource sharing among tasks within
critical and non-critical applications using a suspension-based
synchronization protocol. Tasks of non-critical applications have
partial access to the processor bandwidth. The paper provides the
systems schedulability analysis where blocking due to resource
sharing is bounded. Further, we perform experimental evaluations
under balanced and unbalanced allocation of tasks of a
critical application to cores.
author = {Sara Afshar and Moris Behnam and Reinder J. Bril and Thomas Nolte},
title = {Resource Sharing Under Global Scheduling with Partial Processor Bandwidth},
month = {June},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {10th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems},
url = {}