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Facilitating Reuse of Safety Case Artefacts Using Safety Contracts
Thesis status page:
Publication Type:
Licentiate Thesis
Mälardalen University Press
Safety-critical systems usually need to comply with a domain-specific safety standard, which often require a safety case in form of an explained argument supported by evidence to show that the system is acceptably safe to operate in a given context. Developing such systems to comply with a safety standard is a time-consuming and costly process. Reuse within development of such systems has a potential to reduce the cost and time needed to develop both the system and the accompanying safety case. Efficient reuse of safety-relevant components that constitute the system requires the reuse of the accompanying safety case artefacts, including the safety argument and the supporting evidence. The difficulties with reuse of the such artefacts within safety-critical systems lie mainly in the nature of safety being a system property, together with the lack of support for systematic reuse of such artefacts.In this thesis we focus on developing a notion of safety contracts that can be used to facilitate systematic reuse of safety-relevant components and their accompanying artefacts. More specifically, we explore the following issues: in which way such contracts should be specified, how they can be derived, and in which way they can be utilised for reuse of safety artefacts. First, we characterise the contracts as either ``strong'' or ``weak'' to facilitate capturing different behaviours reusable components can exhibit in different contexts. Then, we present methods for deriving safety contracts from failure analyses. As the basis of the safety-critical systems development lies in the failure analyses and identifying which malfunctions could lead to accidents, the basis for specifying the safety contracts lies in capturing information identified by such failure analyses. Finally, we provide methods for generating safety case artefacts from safety contracts. Moreover, we define a safety contracts development process as guidance for systematic reuse based on the safety contracts. We use a real-world case to demonstrate the proposed process and methods.
author = {Irfan Sljivo},
title = {Facilitating Reuse of Safety Case Artefacts Using Safety Contracts},
isbn = {978-91-7485-213-4},
note = {Thesis status page:},
month = {June},
year = {2015},
publisher = {M{\"a}lardalen University Press},
url = {}