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ReSA: An Ontology-based Requirement Specification Language Tailored to Automotive Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
10th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems
Automotive systems are developed using multi-leveled
architectural abstractions in an attempt to manage the
increasing complexity and criticality of automotive functions.
Consequently, well-structured and unambiguously specified requirements
are needed on all levels of abstraction, in order to
enable early detection of possible design errors. However, automotive
industry often relies on requirements specified in ambiguous
natural language, sometimes in large and incomprehensible
documents. Semi-formal requirements specification approaches
(e.g., requirement boilerplates, pattern-based specifications, etc.)
aim to reduce requirements ambiguity, without altering their
readability and expressiveness. Nevertheless, such approaches do
not offer support for specifying requirements in terms of multileveled
architectural concepts, nor do they provide means for
early-stage rigorous analysis of the specified requirements.In this paper, we propose a language, called ReSA, which
allows requirements specification at various levels of abstraction,
modeled in the architectural language of EAST-ADL. ReSA uses
an automotive systems’ ontology that offers typing and syntactic
axioms for the specification. Besides enforcing structure and more
rigor in specifying requirements, our approach enables checking
refinement as well as consistency of requirements, by proving
ordinary boolean implications. To illustrate ReSA’s applicability,
we show how to specify some requirements of the Adjustable
Speed Limiter, which is a complex, safety-critical Volvo Trucks
user function.
author = {Nesredin Mahmud and Cristina Seceleanu and Oscar Ljungkrantz},
title = {ReSA: An Ontology-based Requirement Specification Language Tailored to Automotive Systems},
month = {June},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {10th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems},
publisher = {IEEE CS},
url = {}