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Deriving Reusable Process-based Arguments from Process Models in the Context of Railway Safety Standards
Publication Type:
Journal article
Ada User Journal 36 (4)
In the railway domain, standards such as the EN5012x family prescribe processes to be followed for the management and certification of safety-critical systems. This results in a need to model processes and retrieve process-based arguments to prove that the system achieved the required safety level in order to reduce time and cost spent in the certification process. In this paper, we present the application of the MDSafeCer, i.e. a model-driven safety certification method, for railways. In particular, we model in SPEM 2.0 the safety requirements process according to what described in the safety plan, and we show how it is possible to extract safety evidence to prove the compliance of this process to the EN50128 standard.
author = {Barbara Gallina and Luciana Provenzano},
title = {Deriving Reusable Process-based Arguments from Process Models in the Context of Railway Safety Standards},
volume = {36},
number = {4},
pages = {237--241},
month = {December},
year = {2015},
journal = {Ada User Journal 36 (4) },
url = {}