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Pioneering the Creation of ISO 26262-compliant OSLC-based Safety Cases



Barbara Gallina, Mattias Nyberg

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


The 7th IEEE International Workshop on Software Certification


ISO 26262 requires for each item the creation of a safety case. Such creation is extremely time-consuming. Currently, no satisfying approach is at disposal to speed up such creation. OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) is a standard for tool interoperability, which, if enabled, permits effective documentation management, needed for efficient safety case creation. OSLC defines a set of extensible core specifications (domains), each of which focuses on a single phase of the life-cycle. In our previous work, we provided ISO 26262-compliant domain extensions. In this paper, we use such extensions to pioneer the creation of OSLC-based safety cases. In particular, we show how information exposed via such extensions can be queried to “produce” compositional pieces of safety case-fragments, arguing about requirements traceability and satisfiability. We illustrate the production of such fragments for an Electronic Control Unitmodule in use at Scania. We then discuss our findings.


author = {Barbara Gallina and Mattias Nyberg},
title = {Pioneering the Creation of ISO 26262-compliant OSLC-based Safety Cases},
month = {October},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {The 7th IEEE International Workshop on Software Certification},
url = {}