Certifiable Evidences & Justification Engineering


This group performs research on languages, techniques, metrics, and processes for engineering evidence(s) and justifications for the purpose of certification/selfassessment. More specifically, the focus is on languages, techniques, measurement frameworks, and processes for: modelling, analysis, justification and certification of complex dependable (computer-based) systems; systematic reuse of certification artifacts; multi-concern assurance; continuous certification via tool integration; compliance management; certification-related evidence engineering; safety/security management & safety/security culture; reuse-focused measurement frameworks.

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Towards an Ontology for Process Compliance with the (Machinery) Legislations (Aug 2024)
Barbara Gallina, Gergő László Steierhoffer , Thomas Young Olesen , Eszter Parajdi , Mike Aarup
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process - EuroSPI Special Issue -2024 (JSEP-EuroSPI-SI)

Safety of the Intended Functionality of External Human Interfaces: Gaps and Research Agenda (Aug 2024)
Manabu Okada , Barbara Gallina
48th IEEE International Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC-2024)

An Ontology-based Representation for Shaping Product Evolution in Regulated Industries (Jul 2024)
Barbara Gallina, Henrik Dibowski , Markus Schweizer
21st International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR-2024)

Safety of the Intended Functionality: What about Mental Harm? (Apr 2024)
Barbara Gallina
8th International Workshop on Critical Automotive Applications: Robustness & Safety (CARS-2024)

An Extension of the Rasmussen Socio-technical System for Continuous Safety Assurance (Apr 2024)
Barbara Gallina, Peter Munk , Markus Schweizer
8th International Workshop on Critical Automotive Applications: Robustness & Safety (CARS-2024)

Assessing Risk of AR and Organizational Changes Factors in Socio-technical Robotic Manufacturing (Jan 2024)
Soheila Sheikh Bahaei, Barbara Gallina
Journal of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.88, 102731 (RCIM-2024)

Barbara Gallina, Associate Professor

Email: barbara.gallina@mdu.se
Room: U1-068
Phone: +46(0)21-101631