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Pattern-based Specification and Formal Analysis of Embedded Systems Requirements and Behavioral Models
Publication Type:
Licentiate Thesis
Since the first lines of code were introduced in the automotive domain, vehicles have transitioned from being predominantly mechanical systems to software intensive systems. With the ever-increasing computational power and memory of vehicular embedded systems, a set of new, more powerful and more complex software functions are installed into vehicles to realize core functionalities. This trend impacts all phases of the system development including requirements specification, design and architecture of the system, as well as the integration and testing phases. In such settings, creating and managing different artifacts during the system development process by using traditional, human-intensive techniques becomes increasingly difficult. One problem stems from the high number and intricacy of system requirements that combine functional and possibly timing or other types of constraints. Another problem is related to the fact that industrial development relies on models, e.g. developed in Simulink, from which code may be generated, so the correctness of such models needs to be ensured. A potential way to address of the mentioned problems is by applying computer-aided specification, analysis and verification techniques already at the requirements stage, but also further at later development stages. Despite the high degree of automation, exhaustiveness and rigor of formal specification and analysis techniques, their integration with industrial practice remains a challenge.To address this challenge, in this thesis, we develop the foundation of a framework, tailored for industrial adoption, for formal specification and analysis of system requirements specifications and behavioral system models. First, we study the expressiveness of existing pattern-based techniques for creating formal requirements specifications, on a relevant industrial case study. Next, in order to enable practitioners to create formal system specification by using pattern-based techniques, we propose a tool called SeSAMM Specifier. Further, we provide an automated Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT)-based consistency analysis approach for the formally encoded system requirements specifications. The proposed SMT-based approach is suitable for early phases of the development for debugging the specifications. For the formal analysis of behavioral models, we provide an approach for statistical model checking of Simulink models by using the UPPAAL SMC tool. To facilitate the adoption of the approach, we provide the SIMPPAAL tool that automates procedure of generating network of stochastic timed automata for a given Simulink model. For validation, we apply our approach on a complex industrial model, namely the Brake-by-Wire function from Volvo GTT.
author = {Predrag Filipovikj},
title = {Pattern-based Specification and Formal Analysis of Embedded Systems Requirements and Behavioral Models},
month = {April},
year = {2017},
url = {}