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Reliability and Fairness for UAV Communication Based on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Recently, communication using unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) as relay nodes has been considered beneficial
for a number of applications. Moreover, non-orthogonal multiple
access (NOMA) with users being assigned different signal
power levels while sharing the same time-frequency domain
has been found effective to enhance spectrum utilization and
provide predictable access to the channel. Thus, in this paper
we consider an UAV communication system with NOMA and
propose a solution to find the optimal values for the user’s
power allocation coefficients (PACs) needed to achieve the
required levels of communication reliability. We present a
closed-form expression for the PAC of each user and also
propose an algorithm for finding the optimal altitude of the
UAV required to satisfy the fairness condition for all users.
Finally, we provide numerical examples and compare the
results for three types of communication environments.
author = {Van Lan Dao and Tran Hung and Svetlana Girs and Elisabeth Uhlemann},
title = {Reliability and Fairness for UAV Communication Based on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access},
number = {53},
month = {June},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Communications},
publisher = {IEEE},
url = {}