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Blended Graphical and Textual Modelling for UML Profiles: a Proof-of-Concept Implementation and Experiment


Publication Type:

Journal article


Journal of Systems and Software


Domain-specific modelling languages defined by extending or constraining the Unified Modeling Language (UML) through the profiling mechanism have historically relied on graphical notations to maximise human understanding and facilitate communication among stakeholders. Other notations, such as text-, form-, or table-based are, however, often preferred for specific modelling purposes, due to the nature of a specific domain or the available tooling, or for personal preference. Currently, the state of the art support for UML-based languages provides an almost completely detached, or even entirely mutually exclusive, use of graphical and textual modelling. This becomes inadequate when dealing with the development of modern systems carried out by heterogeneous stakeholders. Our intuition is that a modelling framework based on seamless blended multi-notations can disclose several benefits, among which: flexible separation of concerns, multi-view modelling based on multiple notations, convenient text-based editing operations (inside and outside the modelling environment), and eventually faster modelling activities.In this paper we report on: i) a proof-of-concept implementation of a framework for UML and profiles modelling using blended textual and graphical notations, and ii) an experiment on the framework, which eventually shows that blended multi-notation modelling performs better than standard single-notation modelling.


author = {Lorenzo Addazi and Federico Ciccozzi},
title = {Blended Graphical and Textual Modelling for UML Profiles: a Proof-of-Concept Implementation and Experiment},
editor = {Elsevier},
pages = {1--38},
month = {January},
year = {2021},
journal = {Journal of Systems and Software},
url = {}