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Assured Cloud Platforms for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems: The ACICS Approach

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


7th international Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems


With the emergence of “Industry 4.0”, the integration of cloud technologies and industrial cyber-physical systems becomes increasingly important to boost productivity by simplifying business operations and enhancing collaboration. The industrial cyber-physical systems infrastructures and their fusion with the cloud lead to massive amounts of real-time and non-real-time data acquired for controlling particular processes, but also for supporting decision-making at the system level. Although cloud-assisted cyber-physical systems are increasingly important in many industrial domains, and ensuring their dependability is crucial, existing platforms do not provide satisfactory support to meet the dependability demands of industrial applicationsThe overall goal of the project ACICS is to provide models, methods and tools that facilitate a substantial increase of dependability of cloud-based platforms for industrial cyber-physical applications, with respect to consistency, security and interoperability of data, timing predictability of using shared virtual resources, together with a framework of guaranteeing quality-of-service enforcement by formal analysis and verification. In this poster paper, we present the main conceptual ideas behind the ACICS approach.


author = {Cristina Seceleanu and Eduard Paul Enoiu and Moris Behnam and Gabriele Capannini and Jan Carlson and Kristina Lundqvist and S{\'e}verine Sentilles},
title = {Assured Cloud Platforms for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems: The ACICS Approach},
month = {April},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {7th international Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems},
url = {}