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Managing Complex Systems - Challenges for PDM and SCM

Publication Type:

Journal article


Projects & Profits


ICFAI Press, Panjagutta, Indien


The integration of development processes faces many problems partially because of d0ifferent nature if the processes and the different approaches. This paper gives a brief overview of common characteristics of Software Configuration Management (SCM) and Product Data Management (PDM) and presents an analysis of a possible integration. It also presents an imitative by the Swedish industry to provide better understanding of SCM and PDM integration problems and to give directions for the possible integrations.


author = {Annita Persson-Dahlqvist and Ivica Crnkovic and Magnus Larsson},
title = {Managing Complex Systems - Challenges for PDM and SCM},
volume = {IV-7},
number = {Rs 60},
pages = {36--42},
month = {July},
year = {2004},
journal = {Projects {\&} Profits},
publisher = {ICFAI Press, Panjagutta, Indien},
url = {}