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Wireless communication between two temporarily connected devices


Lennart Balgård , Niclas Ericsson, Ewa Hansen, Mikael Gidlund

Publication Type:



A system for setting up a wireless connection between two temporarily connected devices includes a device interconnector having a first end provided with a first wireless communication identifier and a second end provided with a second wireless communication identifier, a first device having a first interconnector mating unit, a first wireless communication unit and a first reading unit and a second device having a second interconnector mating unit, a second wireless communication unit and a second reading unit. The wireless communication units of each device is configured to receive an identifier being read by the corresponding reading unit as the device interconnector is attached to the corresponding mating unit and the wireless communication unit is configured to employ this identifier in setting up, together with the other wireless communication unit, a wireless connection between the two devices.


author = {Lennart Balg{\aa}rd and Niclas Ericsson and Ewa Hansen and Mikael Gidlund},
title = {Wireless communication between two temporarily connected devices},
month = {June},
year = {2014},
url = {}