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Electric Drives as Fog Nodes in a Fog Computing-based Industrial Use Case
Publication Type:
Journal article
Electric drives, which are a main component inindustrial applications, control electric motors and record vitalinformation about their respective industrial processes. The de-velopment of electric drives as Fog nodes within a fog computingplatform (FCP) leads to new abilities such as programmability,analytics, and connectivity, increasing their value. In this study,we use the FORA FCP reference architecture to implementelectric drives as Fog nodes, which we call “fogification”. Wedesigned our fogified drive architecture and its components using Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL). The design process was driven by the high-level requirements thatwe elicited. We used both the fogified drive architecture and the current drive architecture to implement a self baggage drop system in which electric drives are the key components. We then evaluated the fog-based design using several key performance indicators (KPIs), which reveal its advantages over the current drive architecture. The evaluation results show that safety-related isolation is enabled with only 9% overhead on the total Fog node utilization, control applications are virtualized with zero input-output jitter, the hardware cost is reduced by 44%, and machine learning at the edge is performed without interrupting the main drive functionalities and with an average 85% accuracy. The conclusion is that the fog-based design can successfully implement the required electric drive functionalities and can also enable innovative uses needed for realizing the vision of Industry 4.0.
author = {Mohammadreza Barzegaran and Nitin Desai and Jia Qian and Paul Pop},
title = {Electric Drives as Fog Nodes in a Fog Computing-based Industrial Use Case},
editor = {Wiley Online Library},
url = {}