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Improving Soft Real-Time Performance of Fog Computing
Publication Type:
Licentiate Thesis
Fog computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings data processing from remote cloud data centers into the vicinity of the edge of the network. The computation is performed closer to the source of the data, and thus it decreases the time unpredictability of cloud computing that stems from (i) the computation in shared multi-tenant remote data centers, and (ii) long distance data transfers between the source of the data and the data centers. The computation in fog computing provides fast response times and enables latency sensitive applications. However, industrial systems require time-bounded response times, also denoted as Real-Time (RT). The correctness of such systems depends not only on the logical results of the computations but also on the physical time instant at which these results are produced. Time-bounded responses in fog computing are attributed to two main aspects: computation and communication.In this thesis, we explore both aspects targeting soft RT applications in fog computing in which the usefulness of the produced computational results degrades with real-time requirements violations. With regards to the computation, we provide a systematic literature survey on a novel lightweight RT container-based virtualization that ensures spatial and temporal isolation of co-located applications. Subsequently, we utilize a mechanism enabling RT container- based virtualization and propose a solution for orchestrating RT containers in a distributed environment. Concerning the communication aspect, we propose a solution for a dynamic bandwidth distribution in virtualized networks.
author = {V{\'a}clav Struh{\'a}r},
title = {Improving Soft Real-Time Performance of Fog Computing},
month = {September},
year = {2021},
url = {}