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Reliable Visibility Algorithms for Emergency Stop Systems in Smart Industries
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
46th Annual IEEE Computers, Software, and Applications Conference
Automated machinery and robots working with humans are the norm in modern smart industries. A previous work in this area proposed a tool for improving the safety of such work places: an emergency system which halts those machines that are visible from an emergency stop button when it is pressed. The solution presented in this paper improves the reliability of the aforementioned one at the expense of a higher computational complexity. Furthermore, two algorithmic optimizations are presented to mitigate the extra computational cost as it is shown by the results collected from the set of experiments conducted.
author = {Gabriele Capannini and Jan Carlson and Roger Mellander},
title = {Reliable Visibility Algorithms for Emergency Stop Systems in Smart Industries},
month = {June},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {46th Annual IEEE Computers, Software, and Applications Conference},
url = {}