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Comparative Evaluation of Various Generations of Controller Area Network Based on Timing Analysis
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
This paper performs a comparative evaluation of
various generations of Controller Area Network (CAN), including
the classical CAN, CAN Flexible Data-Rate (FD), and CAN
Extra Long (XL). We utilize response-time analysis for the
evaluation. In this regard, we identify that the state of the
art lacks the response-time analysis for CAN XL. Hence, we
develop the worst-case transmission times calculations for CAN
XL and then incorporate them to the existing analysis for CAN to
support response-time analysis of CAN XL frames. The extended
analysis is backwards compatible with the previous generations
of CAN. Using the extended analysis, we perform a comparative
evaluation of the three generations of CAN by analyzing an
automotive industrial use case. In crux, we show that using CAN
FD is more advantageous than the classical CAN and CAN XL
when using frames with payloads of up to 8 bytes, despite the
fact that CAN XL supports higher bit rates. For frames with
12-64 bytes payloads, CAN FD performs better than CAN XL
when running at the same bit rate, but CAN XL performs better
when running at a higher bit rate. Additionally, we discovered
that CAN XL performs better than the classical CAN and CAN
FD when the frame payload is over 64 bytes, even if it runs at
the same or higher bit rates than CAN FD.
author = {Aldin Berisa and Mohammad Ashjaei and Masoud Daneshtalab and Mikael Sj{\"o}din and Adis Panjevic and Imran Kovac and Hans Lyngb{\"a}ck and Saad Mubeen},
title = {Comparative Evaluation of Various Generations of Controller Area Network Based on Timing Analysis},
month = {September},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation},
url = {}