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Systems-of-Systems and Digital Twins: A Survey and Analysis of the Current Knowledge
A recording of the conference presentation is available at
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
18th Annual System Of Systems Engineering Conference
Understanding the needs and constraints of systems
in general and a system-of-systems in particular can
be challenging, yet crucial. Relying only on upfront activities
will not be sufficient. Important information can be gathered
around the performance and behavior of the system as well as
stakeholder needs in operation. A digital twin is a way to model
and understand the operation of a system. To understand the
challenges and enablers related to digital twins in a system-ofsystems
context, we performed a literature study. In total, only 10
papers were identified that explicitly address this topic, all from
the last five years, indicating that this is an active field of research.
The papers revealed that definitions and terminology are unclear
and that similar challenges as for systems-of-systems also exist
for systems-of-digital twins. The complexity and dynamic nature
of systems-of-systems motivate further study of digital twins to
understand needs and constraints. However, key challenges such
as concepts and principles of digital twins for systems-of-systems,
cost and benefits, and evolution needs to be better understood.
author = {Thomas Olsson and Jakob Axelsson},
title = {Systems-of-Systems and Digital Twins: A Survey and Analysis of the Current Knowledge},
note = {A recording of the conference presentation is available at{\_}fieqpqyo.},
month = {June},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {18th Annual System Of Systems Engineering Conference},
url = {}