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Taming Tardiness on Parallel Machines: Online Scheduling with Limited Job Information


Publication Type:

Report - MRTC


MRTC Report, Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre


Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre, Mälardalen University




We consider the problem of scheduling $n$ jobs on $m geq 2$ parallel machines in online settings with the objective of minimizing total tardiness. Since no bounded competitive algorithms exist to minimize the general problem of weighted total tardiness of the form $sum w_j T_j$, we consider an objective of the form $sum w_j (T_j+d_j)$, where $w_j, T_j$, and $d_j$ are the weight, tardiness, and deadline of each job, respectively and develop competitive algorithms dependent on jobs' processing times.


author = {Shaik Salman and Thomas Nolte and Alessandro Papadopoulos and Saad Mubeen},
title = {Taming Tardiness on Parallel Machines: Online Scheduling with Limited Job Information},
month = {October},
year = {2024},
publisher = {M{\"a}lardalen Real-Time Research Centre, M{\"a}lardalen University},
url = {}