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Steps Towards a Minimal Mobile Wireless BIuetooth(TM) Sensor
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Sensors for Industry Conference
This paper describes a new BluetoothTM-based wireless implementation of a mobile sensor. The solution reduces dramatically both power consumption and size of a wireless sensor improving earlier BluefoothTM implementations where multi-chip solutions were used and mobility was not supported. Three
different implementations from multi-chip to single chip are described with the sensor wireless interface, the architecture, protocols and algorithms used. Achieved results are: (I)
Implementation of 1 chip solution wireless sensor using the internal BluetoothTM module ADC for external sensing purposes.
(2) Mobile sensor wireless monitoring with BluetoothTM.
@inproceedings{Garcia Castano738,
author = {Javier Garcia Casta{\~n}o and Jens L{\"o}nnblad and Michael Svensson and Mikael Ekstr{\"o}m and Ylva B{\"a}cklund},
title = {Steps Towards a Minimal Mobile Wireless BIuetooth(TM) Sensor},
month = {January},
year = {2004},
booktitle = {Sensors for Industry Conference},
url = {}