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Important Factors for a Successful Integration of Product Data Management and Software Configuration
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
Since PDM and SCM have been developed in their respective domain solving the domain specific requirements using different technology; on a higher level they seam to be similar in functionality, support and infrastructure. The similarities and differences, however, are found on practical lower levels such as in the product, evolution, and process model. The main characteristics of PDM and SCM are described more in detail. We have found in our investigations, that three factors are important to achieve a successful integration: processes, tools and technology, and people and culture. These three factors are discussed more in detail.
In addition, the report presents two case studies done at Ericsson Radio Systems AB and Industrial and Financial systems. The case studies are focusing on how the companies are using PDM and SCM, their processes, any need for integration between PDM and SCM, and conclusions. The second case study was preformed later and it is not included in the book. The case is used for validation of hypothesis: the new elements in these cases studies are the starting assumptions that are based on the experiences and findings from the pervious case studies.
author = {Annita Persson-Dahlqvist},
title = {Important Factors for a Successful Integration of Product Data Management and Software Configuration},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-194/2005-1-SE},
month = {November},
year = {2005},
url = {}