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A MEMS-gyro based computer mouse for disabled
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
MSW 2006, Micro Structure Workshop 2006
Computers are an important part of our daily lifes, and to be able to control them is in many cases necessary to be
able to work, communicate or take part in our modern society of today. Therefore are persons that can not use an
ordinary computer mouse in need of an alternative mouse. The reason of why an ordinary mouse can not be used
is very different from person to person, depending on their abilities and needs. The need can also vary over time,
not all persons are permanent handicapped, it can be a disability or bodily injury that can be healed. From these
aspects, a computer mouse that can be used by a wide range of people with different types of disabilties and that
can be applied on different body parts has been developed and evaulated.
author = {Christer Gerdtman and Maria Lind{\'e}n},
title = {A MEMS-gyro based computer mouse for disabled},
editor = {B. H{\"o}k, A. Martinsen, J. S{\"o}derkvist},
month = {May},
year = {2006},
booktitle = {MSW 2006, Micro Structure Workshop 2006},
url = {}