Software Architecture Evolution through Evolvability Analysis (Nov 2011) Hongyu Pei-Breivold
Software Architecture Evolution and Software Evolvability (Jan 2009) Hongyu Pei-Breivold
Software Architecture Evolution through Evolvability Analysis (Jul 2012) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic, Magnus Larsson The Journal of Systems & Software
A systematic review of software architecture evolution research (Jan 2012) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic, Magnus Larsson Information and Software Technology
A Systematic Review of Studies of Open Source Software Evolution (Nov 2010) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Muhammad Aufeef Chauhan , Muhammad Ali Babar 17th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), IEEE
A Systematic Review on Architecting for Software Evolvability (Apr 2010) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic 21st Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC), IEEE
Software Architecture Evolution An Integrated Approach in Industry (Extended Abstract) (Apr 2010) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC), Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology
An Extended Quantitative Analysis Approach for Architecting Evolvable Software Systems (Apr 2010) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic Computing Professionals Conference Workshop on Industrial Software Evolution and Maintenance Processes (WISEMP10), IEEE
A Systematic Review of Software Evolvability (Nov 2009) Hongyu Pei-Breivold Mälardalen University Workshop on Software Engineering
Analysis of Software Evolvability in Quality Models (Aug 2009) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Software Process and Product Improvement (SPPI) Track, IEEE
Analyzing Software Evolvability of an Industrial Automation Control System: A Case Study (Oct 2008) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic, Rikard Land, Magnus Larsson The Third International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), IEEE
Migrating Industrial Systems towards Software Product Lines: Experiences and Observations through Case Studies (Sep 2008) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Stig Larsson , Rikard Land Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Software Process and Product Improvement (SPPI) Track, IEEE
Using Dependency Model to Support Software Architecture Evolution (Sep 2008) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic, Rikard Land, Stig Larsson 4th Intl. ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution and Evolvability (Evol08), at the 23rd IEEE/ACM Intl. Conf. on Automated Software Engineering, IEEE
Analyzing Software Evolvability (Jul 2008) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic, Peter Eriksson IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2008)
Evaluating Software Evolvability (Oct 2007) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic, Peter Eriksson Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Software Engineering and Practice in Sweden (SERPS)
Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Engineering: Key Concepts and Principles (Aug 2007) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Magnus Larsson 33rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) Track, IEEE
Tutorial: Emerging Technologies in Industrial Context - Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Engineering (Jul 2007) Ivica Crnkovic, Hongyu Pei-Breivold 31st IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
A Survey of Software Architecture Evolvability (Sep 2009) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic
Using Software Evolvability Model for Evolvability Analysis (Feb 2008) Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic