The genetic algorithm census transform: evaluation of census windows of different size and level of sparseness through hardware in-the-loop training (Jul 2020) Carl Ahlberg, Miguel Leon Ortiz, Fredrik Ekstrand, Mikael Ekström Open Access Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (J RT Image Proc)
An Optimized, Data Distribution Service-Based Solution for Reliable Data Exchange Among Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (Aug 2017) Jesus Rodríguez-Molina , Sonia Bilbao Arechabala , Belen Martinez Rodriguez , Mirgita Frasheri , Baran Çürüklü Sensors (SENSC9)
A Probabilistic and Highly Efficient Topology Control Algorithm for Underwater Cooperating AUV Networks (May 2017) Ning Li , Baran Çürüklü, Joaquim Bastos , Victor Sucasas , Jose Antonio Sanchez Fernandez , Jonathan Rodriguez Sensors (SENSC9)
Extended Colored Traveling Salesperson for Modeling Multi-Agent Mission Planning Problems (Feb 2019) Branko Miloradovic, Baran Çürüklü, Mikael Ekström, Alessandro Papadopoulos 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2019)
Unbounded Sparse Census Transform using Genetic Algorithm (Jan 2019) Carl Ahlberg, Miguel Leon Ortiz, Fredrik Ekstrand, Mikael Ekström WACV 2019 - IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV'19)
A genetic mission planner for solving temporal multi-agent problems with concurrent tasks (Aug 2017) Branko Miloradovic, Baran Çürüklü, Mikael Ekström International Conference on Swarms Intelligence (ICSI'17)
Algorithms for the Detection of First Bottom Returns and Objects in the Water Column in Side-Scan Sonar Images (Jun 2017) Mohammed Al-Rawi , Fredrik Elmgren , Mirgita Frasheri , Baran Çürüklü, Xin Yuan , José-Fernán Martínez-Ortega, Joaquim Bastos , Jonathan Rodriguez , Marc Pinto OCEANS '17 A Vision for our Marine Future (OCEANS '17)
Intensity Normalization of Sidescan Sonar Imagery Mohammed Al-Rawi , Adrian Galdan , Xin Yuan , Martina Eckert , Fredrik Elmgren , Baran Çürüklü, Jonathan Rodriguez , Joaquim Bastos , Marc Pinto The Sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory (IPTA'16)
A genetic planner for mission planning of cooperative agents in an underwater environment (Dec 2016) Branko Miloradovic, Baran Çürüklü, Mikael Ekström The 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI'16)