System and Software Evolution
Focusing on problems related to the management of industrial product development, in particular software and systems engineering of embedded products.
First Name | Last Name | Title |
Evaluating performance in the development of software-intensive products (Dec 2013) Stefan Cedergren, Stig Larsson Information and Software Technology 54.7 (2012) (IST Vol 54 No 7)
Porting an AUTOSAR-Compliant Operating System to a High Performance Embedded Platform (Aug 2013) Shuzhou Zhang , Avenir Kobetski , Eilert Johansson , Jakob Axelsson, Huifeng Wang 3rd Embedded Operating Systems Workshop (EWiLi'13)
Issues and Challenges in Ecosystems for Federated Embedded Systems (Jul 2013) Efi Papatheocharous , Jakob Axelsson, Jesper Andersson International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS 2013)
Paving the Way for Apps in Vehicles (Jul 2013) Avenir Kobetski , Jakob Axelsson
On the Technological and Methodological Concepts of Federated Embedded Systems (May 2013) Avenir Kobetski , Jakob Axelsson First Open EIT ICT Labs Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (EITCPS2013)
Managing change in performance measures – An inter-company case study approach (2012) Mohammed Salloum, Stefan Cedergren Intenational journal of business science & applied management (IJBSAM)