Technology Leverage and Sustainable Society Systems: A Call for Technology Forecasting that Anticipates Innovation (2011) James K. Hazy, A Ashley , S Moskalev , M Torras International Journal of Society Systems Science (IJSSS)
Mechanisms of Social Value Creation: Extending Financial Modeling to Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (2010) James K. Hazy, S Moskalev , M Torras Journal of Social Entrepreneurship (IJSSS)
Toward a theory of social value creation: Individual agency and the use of information within nested dynamical systems (2009) James K. Hazy, S Moskalev , M Torras ISCE Publishing (ISCE )
Reconceptualizing value creation with limited resources (2008) James K. Hazy, M Torras, A Ashley Journal of Technology Management and Innovation (JOTMI)