Shahid Raza, Professor

Shahid Raza is a Full Professor of Computer Science with specialisation in Cybersecurity. He is also the Director of Cybersecurity unit at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (formerly SICS), where he has been working since 2008, and currently leading a team of highly qualified cybersecurity experts. Shahid has envisioned and founded the RISE Cyber Range and the Swedish Cybersecurity Research and Innovation Node ( and leads these initiatives. He has also co-founded Cybercampus Sweden. (

Shahid is an expert cybersecurity researcher; his scientific work is published in prestigious journals and conferences, which have received over 6000 citations. Shahid holds a Docentship from Uppsala University, a PhD from Mälardalen University, and a Master of Science degree from KTH, all in cybersecurity.

Personal Homepage:

Shahid's research is funded by most major funding bodies from EU including the Horizon Europe, H2020, Eurostars, ECSEL, etc., and Swedish research funding bodies including The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), and Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova. 

Research Publications: 
Research Projects:

PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Asrin Abdollahi