I am working with Intelligent Data Analytics, digital twin that combines sensor information, AI and machine learning and big data analytics that underpin the new wave of the cognitive system for Maintenance in Industry 4.0
Quantitative Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Model from Discrete Perspective: A CaseStudy of Chip Detection in Turning Process (Mar 2023) Sharmin Sultana Sheuly, Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2023)
Machine Learning Based Digital Twin in Manufacturing: A Bibliometric Analysis and Evolutionary Overview (Jul 2022) Sharmin Sultana Sheuly, Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum Applied Sciences- Computing and Artificial Intelligence(Special issue:Artificial Intelligence and Optimization in Industry 4.0) (applsci)
Explainable Machine Learning to Improve Assembly Line Automation (Dec 2021) Sharmin Sultana Sheuly, Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum, Michael Osbakk 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (ai4i 2021)
Data Analytics using Statistical Methods and Machine Learning: A Case Study of Power Transfer Units (Mar 2021) Sharmin Sultana Sheuly, Shaibal Barua, Shahina Begum, Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Ekrem Güclü , Michael Osbakk International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IJAMT)
Intelligent Data Analytics for Maintenance in Industry 4.0 (Oct 2019) Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shaibal Barua, Shahina Begum, Ekrem Güclü , Manasi Jayapal , Sharmin Sultana Sheuly
Resource Allocation in Industrial Cloud Computing Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms (Nov 2015) Sharmin Sultana Sheuly, Sudhangathan Bankarusamy , Shahina Begum, Moris Behnam The 13th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2015)