Scott is a PhD student at Mälardalen University and Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute where he conducts research in Socio-Adaptive Systems.
His research interest is in adaptive quality of service approaches in dynamic and chaotic environments where software applications need to respond in real-time to resource abundance as well as resource shortfalls.
Assessing QoS Trade-Offs for Real-Time Video (Jun 2013) Jeffery Hansen , Scott Hissam The 2nd IEEE World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) Workshop on Video Everywhere
QoS Optimization in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks through Adaptive Control of Marginal Utility (Apr 2013) Jeffery Hansen , Scott Hissam, Lutz Wrage IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
Resource Allocation in Dynamic Environments (Oct 2012) Jeffery Hansen , Scott Hissam, B. Craig Meyers , Gabriel Moreno , Daniel Plakosh , Joseph Seibel , Lutz Wrage
Adaptive Quality of Service in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (Apr 2012) Jeffery Hansen , Scott Hissam, Daniel Plakosh , Lutz Wrage IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
Open Source Systems: Grounding Research, 7th IFIP 2.13 International Conference, OSS 2011 (Jan 2011) Scott Hissam, Barbara Russo , Manoel de Mendonça Neto , Fabio Kon
Adaptive Flow Control for Enabling Quality of Service in Tactical Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (Dec 2010) Jeffery Hansen , Scott Hissam, B. Craig Meyers , Ed Morris , Daniel Plakosh , Soumya Simanta , Lutz Wrage