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A General Framework for Incremental Processing of Multimodal Inputs


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2011


ACM New York


Humans employ different information channels (modalities) such as speech, pictures and gestures in their commu- nication. It is believed that some of these modalities are more error-prone to some specific type of data and therefore multimodality can help to reduce ambiguities in the interaction. There have been numerous efforts in implementing multimodal interfaces for computers and robots. Yet, there is no general standard framework for developing them. In this paper we propose a general framework for implementing multimodal interfaces. It is designed to perform natural language understanding, multi- modal integration and semantic analysis with an incremental pipeline and includes a multimodal grammar language, which is used for multimodal presentation and semantic meaning generation.


@inproceedings{Ameri E.2195,
author = {Afshin Ameri E. and Batu Akan and Baran {\c{C}}{\"u}r{\"u}kl{\"u} and Lars Asplund},
title = {A General Framework for Incremental Processing of Multimodal Inputs},
pages = {225--228},
month = {November},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2011},
publisher = {ACM New York},
url = {}